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Join BINO NATION for freedom of speech, masculinity, traditionalism, and discussions on relationships and family. We welcome all who share these values and want to engage in open and respectful dialogue. Let's build a community that promotes positive change and personal growth.
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The Melungeons of Appalachia

When people think of early American settlers, they often remember the Jamestown settlers and Pilgrims. But they weren’t the only ones who arrived early in America.

As new colonies grew and explorers traveled inland from the coastal areas of Virginia, they discovered communities already living deep in the Appalachian wilderness—where Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee meet.

These people called themselves the Melungeons. They didn’t fit into any one racial group—they weren’t black, white, or fully Native American. Instead, they seemed to be a mix of all three. They spoke broken English, old-fashioned Elizabethan English, and some Native American languages.

Their physical traits were varied—many had dark skin and hair, but others had blue or green eyes, red hair, and even beards. No one knows for sure where they originally came from, and their history has remained a mystery.

Because of racial segregation in the early South, the Melungeons were kept isolated and left out of history books. Their true origins remain unknown to this day.

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Why The Angryman Is On Locals

In this video, The Angryman shares why he's excited to be part of the Locals community. He talks about how Locals provides a platform for creators to connect with their audience and build a community based on shared interests and values. The Angryman emphasizes the importance of free speech and the ability to express one's opinions without fear of censorship, which is why he feels Locals is the perfect fit for him and his followers.

He also discusses how being on Locals allows him to have more control over his content and how it's presented, as opposed to being at the mercy of algorithms and constantly changing social media policies. The Angryman believes that Locals offers a more sustainable model for content creators, allowing them to focus on creating high-quality content for their audience.

Throughout the video, The Angryman encourages viewers to join him on Locals and be a part of the community. He shares the benefits of membership, such as exclusive content, early access to ...


Old Dirty Bastard. The Original one.

I used to watch his I dont. All them jokes about his kids... they weren't funny. All his kids are gen X. ALL FIVE OF THEM!! You listen to his stories now this mother fucker HATED HIS GEN X CHILDREN, LEGIT HATED THEM. And his jokes about his wife...yeah not kind. Just an OLD DIRTY BASTARD.

Thanks Biden and Obama. Thanks a lot.

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